Sunday, September 26, 2010

Eliza Ann Carter and Finding Connections Serendipitously

The other night John and I were out to dinner with long time friends. One of the couples, John and Jill Carter we have known for many years, so long that we actually know their family history and we have a common ancestor, William Furlsbury Carter. I began telling them about some recent information I had found about the Carter family when the other couple, Rick and Carolyn Evans became interested as well. That’s why I was telling them about a something new I had recently found out. We all know that for the most part, family history can be an instant turn off, but Carolyn was very intense about wanting to make certain she had tracked the story correctly and that these were people that had settled in Provo, Utah. After a few volley of questions we discovered that she was also a descendant of this same family, only through a different sibling, Eliza Ann Carter. What’s the likely hood of that happening?

Eliza Ann Carter Snow has always been one of my hero’s because she brought Hannah Carter, daughter of Richard and Hannah Parker Carter across the plains after her parents died. It was wonderful to actually be able to hug one of Eliza’s progenitors and thank them for Eliza’s great kindness.

I can learn so much from this simple experience about family history.

· If you know who your people are, you’re bound to find others that are related to you

· Nothing is a coincidence, it turns out that Eliza Ann’s birthday was the next day. She wanted us to celebrate her. At least that’s what I think

· Don’t be afraid to tell stories about your ancestry, you never know what you might learn in a simple setting

Challenge: Talk to someone you know about an ancestor and see if you have a connection. Who knows where it will lead you.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Isaac Hill, True to the Faith

Isaac Hill, has been for me a remarkable example of what so many of the pioneers were made up of- faith, obedience, hard work, ingenuity, resiliency, hope, sacrifice. I’ve tried to reduce his life to a few bullet points, but he simply covered too much ground in his 73 years of life. If you don’t get anything more out of this post know this: Isaac Hill joined the church when he was 27 years old with his wife and daughters and he never looked back. He was there to see it all, live through the good, the sad and unspeakable and the joyful moments of the beginnings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. What makes him different is that he kept a journal so we know where he was and what he was doing during those remarkable years.
Sometime ask me what happened to him in the graveyard when he was running away from the mob, it makes for a great story.
True to the Faith
· Born near Penn State University in 1806 (Brighton, Beaver, Pennsylvania to be exact)
· His father died when he was four years old, together with his older sister and mother moved in with his maternal grandparents, younger brother born shortly after
· Bound to a blacksmith at age 12
· Married at age 22 to Mary Bell. They have four children.
· 1833, “I joined the Saints”
· Worked on Kirtland Temple, Far West Temple foundation, Nauvoo Temple
· Lived through, and wrote about many experiences during “the persecution period”
· Mary dies, gets married to Eliza Wright.
· 1839 “Sold out my farm for a horse”
· Body guard to the Prophet Joseph Smith
· Brick maker in Nauvoo
· Serves three missions “In Penn., Beaver Co., preaching. Baptize first converts in this month.”
· 1843 “Give to the poor. Some excitement this winter on account of plurality.”
· 1844 Jun “Great excitement. The mobbers begin to collect at several places and on 27 Joseph and Hiram Smith murdered at Carthage Jail.”
· 1845 Jul 10 “The inhabitants rise in mass to burn out the Mormons.Great trouble in the land. Some killed on both sides.”
· 1845 “Received endowment”
· 1846 “Leave N for the wilderness”. Family experienced many mishaps and hardships along the way. Worked as blacksmith, brick maker.
· 1850, September 4 enters Salt Lake with children. Wife had died of cholera along the way.
· Builds home in SL 2nd ward, becomes a counselor to Bishop Joseph C. Kinsbury.
· 1851, married Martha Ann Miller in Brigham Young’s office. They have three children.
· 1852, married in polygamy Mary Jane Miller, Martha’s sister in Brigham Young’s office. They have 10 children.
· 1854, ordained as Bishop of Second Ward, served for 10 years.
· 1857, Served mission to Canada. Kept daily journal, very insightful.“Preach on lakeshore in woods”
· Returned from mission to angry wife (Martha Ann), granted divorce.
· 1862, sealed to Amelia Rassmussen
· 1863, sealed to Margaret Faulkner
· 1864 called to colonize Bear Lake region of Idaho, moved on September 5th. Set up residence in St. Charles, many trials and hardships
· Died June 25, 1879 in Fish Haven Idaho. Buried in St. Charles, Idaho

A two room log house that Isaac's sons built for Mary Jane Miller Hill as it is today

To read Isaac Hill's full journal/diary entries go here. Terry Smith has written a history of Isaac Hill with more details of his life. It can be found on his site by clicking here.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Can You Find Your Ancestor?

When our ancestors, Job Sidwell and his wife Susan Robinson and family together with the children of Joy Sperry and Mary Lamont entered the Salt Lake Valley in the summer of 1847 who would have guessed that they were the beginning of the one of the greatest migrations in the history of the United States? Their reasons for coming were freedom to practice the religion they had newly embraced. Sacrifice was only just beginning as a wilderness needed to be tamed as they settled in a dry dessert climate.

50 years later the view of the pioneer community was quite different from what it had been that first summer. They had quite a celebration, it was a JUBILEE. Take a glimpse into the past and see if you can find three of your ancestors in the picture that was taken of those hardy souls that crossed in 1847 who gathered to temple square for the celebration.

Click here to see if you can find your ancestors. They are labeled #130, 55 and 56 on this picture. Their names are sorted at the bottom of the page. Who is missing from the picture that could have been there?